Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tuesday Truth's... OK Kayla, I'll jump on the bandwagon...

I've read several of Kayla's "Tuesday Truth's", so now I'll give it a go for myself. I may not go as "naked" as Kayla has, but here is a start.


Since taking Prometrium and now taking Progesterone injections, I have had my share of Depression ( a possible side effect). It sure is no fun!!! I have heard the feelings described but could never relate. Well, I can now. It comes in waves, and most of the time I'm feeling pretty good. I have had my share of unexplainable crying, and just feeling down and out, and very irritable; even when I'm alone. Yesterday, I told my mom about it, it was so nice to talk to someone about it. What I've noticed is that I don't feel this way for any specific reason.. such as kids acting up, argument w/ hubby, etc... I just do. This is how I knew. I'm not sure if I'm making much sense at all, but I'm sure you get the idea...

I am still on modified bed rest, and I've been trying to stay as inactive as possible. I am so blessed to have my mom here to help me, and she has gone above and beyond!

So, "depression hurts" rings true... but I know it will get better. I'm glad for now it seems to be more like "bouts" of depression for me. Right now I feel really good. Thanks for listening!


Amy said...

Hang in there sister! Praying for you.

Wa Wa Waughs said...

Oh, I'm sorry! We moms feel tremendous responsibility but sometimes you need to just focus on one thing. Let the little stuff go and focus on getting thru the next 155 days!

Kayla said...

Yay!!! Isn't Tuesday Truth's so fun! I didn't know you were on modified bedrest?? It sounds like I should have chatted with you at the soccer game. I'll see you when I get back!

Donnetta said...

Hi, Sweetie: I just came by to visit you. Sorry you've been having the doldrums.I had a very bad bout with depression in my 20s--and off and on again a few times afterward. Always felt like a "bittersweet" kind of person. But it does always get better. There is always a sun that rises. If you need me, CALL!! Hubby comes on Tues and then back to FL in a couple of weeks. Then I'll be on my own again for a while. So holler if you like!! Miss you and chin up!! D