Thursday, April 8, 2010

Highlights of my 35th year of life...

  • Witnessed my son being baptized
  • Began following a Gluten Free diet
  • Let go from a teaching job due to budget cuts
  • Found new teaching job before school was even out, what a blessing!
  • Went to LTC in Dallas for the 2nd year
  • Finally painted my living room/dining room after 4 years of contemplating
  • Served as female ministry leader for CR
  • Witnessed Sophie cutting her head open, requiring stitches
  • Learned to live with a drum set in the house
  • Sold my van and got a Volvo... my favorite sedan
  • Ate more ice cream than necessary (a pregnancy favorite)
  • Refrained from eating out 2 months, not consecutive
  • Paid more Dr. bills than I ever care to
  • Paid off a vehicle
  • Hosted two students from China in my home for 7 months
  • Cooked more at home
  • Started using coupons
  • Prayed more
  • Read more blogs
  • Attended The CR Summit in California, it was amazing! This year I am due to have a baby the same weekend
  • In December found out I am expecting our 3rd child... very surprised! DD 8.10.10
  • Experienced bedrest/modified bedrest, which has been a challenge
  • Had more ultrasounds than ever, and will continue to until August
  • Attended the least amount of movies than I ever have in many years :(
  • Had a massage for only the 3rd time in my life and the last one was 10 yrs. ago


Kayla said...

It's been 10 years since your last massage!!?! Man, they are must haves for me. I babysit kids to afford occasional massages!

Wa Wa Waughs said...

Sounds like you have had a lot of transitions over the last year, and you are still smiling! Keep it up! Excited about your #3!

Kayla said...

My chiro that I used to go to has a massage therapist and it's only $30 for the hour! Now that I babysit though, I can't go because she only works during the day. So I have gone to Massage Envy ($39 for an hour for first timers) with Korey Dade. He can go very deep if you want him too! I'll be sore too but off brand icy hot is grrrreat! I love the cottonwood experience though! I want to steal a robe!!

Donnetta said...

Hi, Michelle: Is it your birthday? Okay--I don't think I could live with the drums! So what are your plans for after the baby is born? Going back to work? Staying home with little one?

Hubby and I think we may have bought a house! Just outside of Edmond-6 acres. Oh my, what are we thinking!!

Take good care. Everything at the school is just as usual. Nothing new to report! D