Since recently being diagnosed with celiac my life has been altered/turned upside down just a bit. Not only have I started the gluten-free diet, which by the way is very difficult to get used to, but I have also been experiencing other things that have been unexpected.
For one, this diet, which is the only cure for Celiac, takes time to get used to and to learn. I know I have made some mistakes along the way; it is difficult learning all the foods that contain gluten, so I know I have accidently ingested some. Not on purpose or to cheat believe me, I am praying for relief from the symptoms I have been experiencing for several years, I am willing to do what ever it takes to reverse the effects this has taken on my body and mind.
When you have Celiac your small intestine has been damaged and needs time to repair itself,therefore, relief is not immediate... at least not in my case. I have continued to have some symptoms over the past week. I am still experiencing fatigue,stomach problems,inability to concentrate/remember, and the skin issues. Over time this can certainly become a bit of a burden and even depressing. I have to say I have experienced some of this.
To add to the mix I went back to work full-time in August.. .this condition has not worked well with my job. I have missed several days of school because of it. This has only added to the frustration. I am guilt ridden for missing so much, and I'm not sure how much more I will need to miss while I am waiting to start feeling better, it is a vicious cycle. I am supposed to meet with my Principal today to discuss all of this,however, as I type this I am not feeling so hot and my stomach is churning...which is usually an indicator that the day ahead will not be so great...
Blogging has been an outlet for me at times, this would be one of those times. It helps to just write things out . The positive side of things is that I will most likely lose a little weight and there is relief in sight, or so I'm told :) I have faith that there is, really I do. I know that God will do wonders. My prayer is that those wonders will come soon.
Thank you for letting me get that off my chest. I know I could write even more but it's 5am and I going to attempt to gain one more hour of sleep, if possible. Until next time.